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Writer's pictureDanielle Pryor

What's Your Cup of Kink? Part 2: Coming to Terms with Your Fetish

Updated: Jul 10, 2018

There are different ways to come to terms with each fetish or kink that you’re into depending on how socially acceptable it may or may not be. Not that society should have any control over what you feel sexually attracted to, but it can be difficult to feel entirely comfortable with a fetish if it’s frowned upon by the generally (square) public.

Whether you’re a male that enjoys being forced to wear lingerie and makeup, you have an overwhelming desire to wear diapers on a regular basis, or you get off by watching other people get off. You do your thing.

Lacy Green, a feminist activist youtuber said, "Fetishes can be a component of our unique erotic signatures. Kind of like humor is to a personality."

So like seriously, whatever you’re into, embrace the hell out of it because it’s a part of the wonderfully kinky you that you are.

Understand what exactly your fetish is… This comes at the tail-end of “finding your fetish”, but understanding the ins and outs of what you’re into is an imperative first step. What exactly is it about your kink that gets you all hot and bothered?

Bondage, furries, urolagnia, role-play… take your pick. There’s pretty much a name for every fetish out there and it’s good to do a little research first so you know exactly what you’re getting yourself into, so to speak.

Get an idea of where the line is between “F*ck, just the sight/ thought of that might make me cum in my pants…” and “Eww. I think I might never orgasm again if I did that.”

This can seriously help weed out some of the "error" in the trial and error process that comes later on.

Fully accept your fetishes for what they are…Throw the “weirdness” scale out the damn window right now. That’s a relative term created by a society that has been stifled into defining what’s sexually “normal” and what’s not.

But who the hell are “they” and why do they get to tell you that what you like is weird. “They” are probably the ones having boring, half-assed, strictly missionary position sex a couple times a week and having an orgasm once a month if they’re lucky.

Once you’ve begun to discover what your fetishes or kinks are then you’re already halfway to the toe-curling orgasms you’ve been fantasizing about. Just as Lacy Green said, accept your kinks as a part of yourself, the same way you would accept your dry sense of humor or slightly neurotic OCD.

It all comes together to create the glorious freak in the sheets that deep down you know you are.

Begin sharing with loved ones…Believe me, your best friend, roommate, or lover would love nothing more than for you to tell them about your secret little fantasies. If they don’t, then honestly, Honey, you need new people.

Come track me down and I’ll get all kinds of hyped to hear about your freaky fetishes and creative kinks!

On some level, everyone is a closet freak and who doesn’t like hearing about the crazy kinky things that their friends are into? I’m willing to bet, the more you open up with those you’re closest to about your fetishes then you’ll be surprised to see what they’re willing to share with you.

Once you’ve begun sharing your newly discovered fetishes, you’ll feel liberated in a way you probably didn’t think possible. Openness with yourself and your loved ones puts you one step closer to really having the opportunity to explore the ins and outs of your kinks with no hesitations.


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