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Writer's pictureDanielle Pryor

I Want to Want You For as Long as I Live

Updated: Jul 10, 2018

There are very few couples in this world that I aspire to be like, but for the few that have proven to have a relationship that is worth admiring, I have one important question…

As time goes on, do you lose that insatiable, sexual desire for one another?

I totally understand that it will fade slightly as other emotions and circumstances take priority, but overall, it completely terrifies me to think that I won’t always want the person I’m going to spend forever with the same way that I do now.

Are my standards for a relationship so high and unattainable that expecting that my forever relationship is fun, easy, and never loses the spark a totally ridiculous request?

Maybe it’s just me, and maybe this is why I’ll die alone in search of that unattainable relationship… but I want to be with someone that I’ll want forever. I want to be able to look at my person even after years and years of being with them, and think to myself, Damn. They’re sexy. How the hell did I get so lucky? I want to feel that overwhelming love, lust, and desire wash over me every time they kiss my cheek or meet my glance from across a room. I want it to be easy and passionate.

Everyone says that relationships take a lot of work but that it’s totally worth it if you’re willing to put in the work. Is it totally absurd to think that relationships shouldn’t be that difficult to make work though while still keeping that passion alive? Maybe I’m totally off base here, but in my mind, a relationship with the person that you’re supposed to spend forever with should be one of the easiest things you’ve ever done.

As far as I see it, that relationship that’s supposed to last forever should be your foundation, your rock, your anchor… and the rest of the world revolves around this partnership you share, but no matter what happens, you know that as long as you’re with your person, everything else will be okay.

One of the only differences between a committed relationship and a friendship basically comes down to sex. That being said, I totally understand that even the best and most passionate of relationships will go through their dry spells. It’s how you come out of it that really seems to matter. I want to want my person with an unshakeable desire that radiates through my entire body. I want them to be the only one that I want to go to bed with every night, and I want to know that they want me just the same.

I want to want you as badly ten years from now as I do now. I want to want your mind, your body, and your soul unequivocally for the rest of my days.

I want to want you for as long as I live and I don’t think that’s too much to ask.


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