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Writer's pictureDanielle Pryor

Genderswag: I'm Okay With Me So I Don't Mind You

Updated: Jul 16, 2018

Okay guys, let’s talk equality. LGBTQIAPD+++ and all of that aside, everyone is Genderswag.

Genderswag is an organization intended for all members of the LGBT+ community and allies, created by the fabulous performer and activist, Clarence Scandelle Johnson (seriously he’s a sweetheart, can probably sing your ass off any stage, and look twice as good doing it).

He’s been doing music as an LGBT+ artist since 2003; from dancing on bar tops at The Pyramid in NYC while participating in The New Queens on the Block to receiving offers from major record labels after his EP was number one on the charts for months and everything in between.

In 2014, Clarence Scandelle had been working in sales and real estate, doing the typical New Yorker, jack of all trades, kind of job when he began struggling with some health issues. Once he got his health back, he started noticing that the media had become more and more flooded with headlines of hate crimes and LGBT+ suicides. He realized that it was time for a change.

“I told myself, I need to follow this calling… I didn’t want it to be an isolating thing. The letters [in the LGBT+ community] weren’t getting along with each other…Each letter of LGBT+ is like its own little island and you get a ferry pass to a different island every once in awhile just to go visit. I needed to find something that was all encompassing; so that even those not in the community could feel as though they belong.”

Hence, the creation of Genderswag.

“It’s extremely difficult though to break through the barrier of the dominant white LGBT+ community and the straight blacks… You have to pick your battles. I’m the classic NWA [Urban Dictionary it] to these people but they don’t know how to work with that. They love my ideas but they’re unable to follow through so I’m constantly being disappointed with certain projects and things because 99% of people want to keep me at arm's length… it’s nice to say that I’ve actually worked with someone.”

He began with a photo campaign trying to bring together anyone and everyone that wanted to show their love and support for the community. With an immense amount of support, it began to snowball from there until, before he knew it, Genderswag had begun to expand into a TV series, a radio show, and eventually a concert series.

Clarence Scandelle started to connect with people from both sides of the LGBT+ fence such as Swanny River, of RWS radio (an LGBT+ hip hop station) and a variety of other artists, musicians, and producers from across the spectrum. The TV series was intended to be a show where they had a free, open space to talk about real issues in the world, the lack of artist fame due to sexual orientation, and have a place to showcase their talent in a non-discriminatory community.

One of his greatest achievements thus far, Genderswag radio has broken through the barriers of what may have seemed unattainable at first glance. He’s successfully created a popular weekly podcast that levels the playing field for LGBT+ and allied music and social commentary on serious issues.

From electronic to cabaret and everything in between, it’s meant to equalize the industry amongst the artists by not differentiating in the format; put a straight rock artist right next to an LGBT+ hip hop artist and so on and so forth. As of right now, there are at least 50 artists that are a part of the Genderswag community.

“Ahhh… I don’t know if I could pick a favorite artist. They’re all good at what they do and the moods are so diverse but… Pretty Boy Rich, Ra Ra Gabor, Earthtone (my husband in another life), IKP (we call him Peezy), and Milan… if I had to pick.”

The Future of Genderswag

Currently, Clarence Scandelle is working on a new docuseries with Leslie Warren, who wrote the book How to Love a Formerly Abused Person. Production is set to start in the beginning of July. He is also trying to get together some band members and make time for his own musical performances as well.

As far as the future of Genderswag goes… it’s Clarence Scandelle’s dream that he will be able to share Genderswag’s message and support across the country and spread the word. The original concert series was geared toward the education system so it’s his plan to travel the country (in his new, cute little jeep with his precious puppy, Bear), spread the word, and join the two communities together.

“For me, at this point, Genderswag is like my soul food… Aside from the inevitable haters, everything with Genderswag has been amazing. I want to gravitate towards serious topics like suicides, showing up in courtrooms, going to churches; just try to figure out why things are so spread apart within the community. ”

He is an incredible advocate for the community and is taking massive strides into the future of equality for everyone regardless of their race, age, sexual orientation, or gender identity (yes, even if you’re straight). He has a message that the world needs to hear and a voice with the ability to join together the masses despite the differences they see in one another.


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