We never know when it all may end, we cannot see it coming or predict how it will happen. It sneaks up on us like a shadow we could always feel was there, stalking our presence, but could never quite spot in the light of day. Time begins to stand still, you can feel it in there air, and for that one person, time comes to an end. The hands on the clock spin faster and faster and faster until they spin into a vortex beyond reality. Time, space, life as they once knew is nonexistent. They are blinded and tossed into the unrefined universe. Do you think they forget about all of us? About their children or wives, mothers or sisters or brothers? Do you think they forget about all of the love and pain shared in this world? Or feel sadness that they will miss their daughter's college graduation, wedding, or first born child? Do you think they feel the longing desire to teach their son how to tie a tie or how to win the girl he loves? Do you think they know, or have they dissipated completely into a realm of existence that we cannot access? They cannot see us, we cannot see them. They don’t feel anything for us anymore, we feel everything and more for them.
The man I was trying to understand has gone. His story has expanded and then come to an abrupt halt and now he is no longer available to share his most well-kept secrets with me as I imagined he some day would. He says that I knew him better than anyone but there is a constant stream of his untold stories, of places, and people that I never knew existed and he’s no longer here to offer an explanation to the madness he has left. However, I feel it is my responsibility to do his life the justice that it deserves, sparing no detail of his mistakes, his obligations, and his sorrows; to document and follow the path as I know it, through my own life. It will be his. It will be mine. It will be ours. In memory of him. To know that he is forgiven and loved.