She has a gift like no one I’ve met before-
She stares at me through a picture frame.
Her eyes look into mine, I cannot break
Her gaze, no matter what I try.
They see right passed the disarray of color blocks
And splotchy grey.
She looks into my brain- lingering for a moment
Or two- she finds nothing of interest-
She’s more entertained by devouring my soul;
consuming my heart
and bleeding it dry.
Her eyes then leave my brain
And travel down my spine.
They hop on every
Enjoying the steep decline.
The eyes finally reach their destination,
One after another they climb down,
Trampling on my arteries, kicking each one they’ve found.
They explore for a while
And then her shameless stare runs
Back from where it came- shrinks
Back into her skull again
And looks at me with fear at what it’s seen.
She knows she should not peruse the souls
Of those she cannot see- and so
Her body fades again
And her head floats into oblivion.