Dear You,
I’m telling you this for your own good.
Because I love you, please never forget what it feels like to spiral out of control;
to lose the firm grip you once had on your soul.
Never forget the chilling heat of the devils breathe on the back of your neck
as he began to pull you under into Purgatory.
Don’t lose touch with the numbness you felt in the hollow pit of your chest and
how it could only be filled
by that metallic stench
when you would slice your flesh.
I know this has passed,
but I’ll tell you once more because
I see you
and before you realize,
You’ll be drowning in a pool of your own blood.
Never forget what you just said; remember this feeling.
I’m spiraling
I’m spinning
I’m losing hold of my mind.
The fucks I used to give have been swallowed
by the tornado forming on the
soles of my feet,
waiting to suck the rest of me in.
There’s no where to go when
the speed controls my toes.
So I
Smoke weed
Snort coke
Pop addies
Shoot and toke.
There’s a happiness found at rock bottom.
Your soul can exist is the rawness of its essence,
the griminess of its reality,
and the eternity of your damned spirit.
Succumb to the will of the tornado
on the soles of your feet.
Allow the flames of hell to lick your cheeks, and
welcome the warmth of the
Demonic Embrace.
But let me warn you…
on your way down
at the eye of the storm
a Siren will be waiting
to pierce your gaze with her eyes
of liquid sapphire
and reel your heart into her cave
with whispers of sweet
Allow yourself to collapse
onto her bed, and cleanse
your soul in her smooth flesh
and gentle lips.
If it is here that your soul is at peace,
you may stay.
However, Your hair will singe and crumble
away and the paleness of your skin
will fade to crimson gold.
You’ll appear different to the world
from which you came-
like a creature that emerged
from the depths of the Earth,
Naked and hairless,
and the color of the sun
on its brightest days.
But, your soul will be freed from the cage
behind your ribs,
your eyes will melt to liquid sapphire,
and your flesh will never be without
the lingering kisses of the
Siren on the cliff.
If you can’t enjoy the
burning and bubbling of your skin
as it melts under her heat,
then you may go.
Run through the flames and
passed the ponds of flaming souls,
do not falter at the vodka fountain
or be teased by cocaine trails.
Run until your toes fall off
one by one,
run until the tornado you’ve created
cannot pull you down any further
and is sucked away by the Earth beneath
the soles of your feet.
Now climb.
Climb out of the rock bottom you’ve fallen into.
Whisper goodbyes to the
cocaine and vodka as they watch you go;
to the cigarettes and weed,
the adderall and razor blades,
and tell your Siren you’ll see her later
because you know that you’ll be back
in her bed before you get too far away.
She’ll be waiting for you
at the end of your great escape.
Once you go, I hope that your soul
is at peace.
it will remain trapped
behind the cage of your ribs,
your eyes will be solid and grey,
and your flesh will be longing
for the gentle kisses
lost in its memory.
But, your hair will grow long and thick,
your porcelain skin will remain
without imperfections,
and you will appear the same
to the world from which you came.
You will become background noise
in this game
that is our reality.
My love,
take passion in your vices,
but do not allow them to define you.
Fixate your mind on simple
immediate pleasures and enjoy
every minute of your time trekking
through the bottom of your soul.
Once you’ve left,
don’t miss it for long.
Before you catch your breathe
a tornado will form again on the
soles of your feet and
suck you down once more.